Charlie Harvey

Fun & Games

28 Fun & Games articles in total, showing 1 to 10

  • The authentic, hand-curated Hipster menu crafter

    The authentic, hand-curated Hipster menu crafter cover image

    Since the world, or at least the UK, seems to have decided to Gastrate all its pubs and the hipsters have taken over even once proudly grim local boozers, it seemed important to invent a tool to generate hipster menu items. And it should be written in vintage javascript, of course.So let me pres

  • Happy 11th birthday

    Happy 11th birthday cover image

    A mere few days ago — 27 June 2015 to be precise — celebrated its 11th birthday. They grow up quick, don’t they? It is now officially old enough to go to big school, at least if the Tories haven’t closed all the schools yet. In internet terms, 11 is anc

  • Video: esoteric programming languages by TheBreakingBit

    Video: esoteric programming languages by TheBreakingBit cover image

    This recent video by TheBreakingBit amused me. The incredible creativity that has gone into creating languages that ar, let’s face it, a little bit silly is staggering. A favourite effort of mine that is missing from this video is Damian Conway’s fabulous CPAN module Lingua::Romana::Pe

  • Tool: Get thumbnail images for youtube videos

    Tool: Get thumbnail images for youtube videos cover image

    Here is a small tool for grabbing the thumbnail image for a youtube video — something I sometimes need to do and always have to DDG or Google. There is a very helpful StackOverflow answer, which it is straightforward to implement in Javascript (have a look at the source code of the page).Upd

  • Video: What is internet? (1994)

    I have a thing about old clips non-technical folks talking about the intertubes. Witness, for example The Kids Guide to the Internet from 1997. Here is a great piece from the archives circa 1994. I love the idea that @ is the about symbol. And that you don’7 need a phone line to